Message from President 2018 – 2020


Dear Current and Future ACHEA Members,

ACHEA is an active community of engaged Higher Education Professionals at all stages of life and careers who are devoted to the promotion of professional and ethical standards for higher education administrators in the Caribbean region. The ACHEA seeks to derive practical solutions to common concerns, issues and challenges faced by our education sectors. To that end, we have established committees to carry out the Association’s Operational Plan and fulfil the strategic objectives for long-term growth and development. These committees are chaired by executive members and a select few other volunteers.

Because an informed and engaged membership is at the heart of building and sustaining our Association, I believe that it is important that we build mechanisms to continually engage with you. Since one year has passed since you gave me the privilege to serve as your President of ACHEA for 2018-2020 term, we need to hear from you regarding your thoughts about the ACHEA and what we can do to further the association’s objectives.

Feedback about the following would be quite useful: please let us know how do we grow our membership; what can we do to attract more participants to our annual conference; and what fundraising activities can be explored?  Feel free to provide comments on any other areas.

Please reach out to your Chapter Chair Persons, the Membership Chair, or any member of the Executive Team. We look forward to hearing from you as we continue to work together to advance the ACHEA.


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