Members Benefits


Professional Development – ACHEA from time to time offers professional development seminars, training and certified/accredited short courses for all categories of administrative staff.

Networking –  Being a part of ACHEA will allow you to connect with individuals who have similar job functions and from whom you may ask for advice, share ideas and learn best practices. You are likely to find a mentor to help you with your professional needs or you may be able to serve as mentor to someone else.

Building Research Capacity and Presentation Skills – Our forums and conferences provide an opportunity for the budding and seasoned researcher to share research findings and receive valuable/meaningful feedback that will enhance the research. Research may be published in the Association’s journal.

As an Association, we not only work together, but we play together! In each of the chapters, social activities are planned for the benefit of the members. 

I joined ACHEA as a final year student in 2010. My experience since then has been indelible. Not only have I expanded my professional network, but I have learnt how to tailor my approach to the ever-changing issues in Higher Education administration. Importantly, I was selected for my current job as a result of my involvement in the planning of ACHEA conference held in July 2010.
Ms. Shaneika Blake
Jamaica Chapter